Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatments are very personalized and various factors are considered before giving treatment, thus it requires an experienced doctor to decide what treatment is to be given, with what combination of oils and medicines, and it has to be delivered by well trained therapists.
It is very important to understand that simply having a massage with oil or ayurvedic oil is not panchakarma treatment. If massage is not provided with proper medicated oils based on different personal factors, it can cause problems at a later stage.
A traditional synchronized full body massage given by two experienced Ayurveda therapists using herbal and aromatic oil. Abhyanga improves blood circulation, nurtures the skin, tone up muscles and relaxes the body & mind.
This is pleasurable type of Snehan in which massage is synchronised and gentle with low pressure to soothe your body and mind. This helps to alleviate the stress and also helpful in many diseases to improve the circulation and thereby eliminates fatigue.
The deep tissue massage done by trained technicians to relax the body and build up the muscles.
The type of snehan in which massage is given in pinching form to reduce the subcutaneous fat.
The soothing massage with the help of herbal oils of foot and calf region to ease the pain of foot, relaxes the mind and helpful in many diseases to improve circulation and for care of foot.
Unique procedure of application of sneha to the eyes is called as Akshitarpana. In this frame of black gram paste is made followed by pouring of medicated ghee upon the eyes. The eyes is made to open and close alternatively several times and the ghee is removed to complete the procedure. This procedure is useful both in healthy as we’ll as diseased for protecting eyes and improving eyesight.
The instillation of medicated oil in the ear to lubricate the ear, removing wax and to improve the indriya Shakti i.e to improve the hearing function.
This experience involves the retention of medicated oil or decoction in the mouth for a few minutes. Gandusa is good for cleansing, detoxifying and aids in mouth, voice, gum and tooth disorders. Gandusa addresses bad breath, whilst improving the flexibility of facial muscles.
Requires the retention, movement and gargling of medicated oil or decoction in the mouth for few minutes. This simple and soothing treatment is highly beneficial for disorders of ear, nose, throat and mouth whilst improving the voice.
A type of dry massage using herbal blend powders which stimulate the hair follicles assisting to break down the body excess subcutaneous fat. This massage aims to address obesity and mobilizes toxins. Beneficial for firming and toning the body.
The process of smearing medicated herbal paste to the body part is lepa.
A powerful calming and relaxing massage over the head, neck, shoulder and upper back.Conducted in a sitting posture using Ayurvedic medicated oil. Traditionally known as “Shiroabhyanga”, this treatment is ideal for anyone who carries stress over their shoulders and neck. It helps to improve quality of sleep, nourishes the hair roots and also is helpful in managing recurrent headaches.
This is well known procedure in which medicated and aromatic oil is continuously poured on the forehead and scalp in well synchronized manner. This is very helpful in mental stress, anxiety, headaches, insomnia, many hair and scalp problems.
The simple procedure of applying the oil to the vertex using cotton pad impregnated with oil is shiropichu.
The oil poured on the head is allowed to remain there for certain period with help of leather cap.
Induction of sweating for therapeutic purposes is referred by name swedana in Ayurveda. This treatment helps in alleviating the stiffness of the body, relieves sense of heaviness, and cures feeling of cold.
The process of swedana, where perspiration is induced by passing steam over the body parts by using steam generator instrument.
This signature procedure where perspiration is induced by using heated round poultice of rice and herbal blend. This helps to build the muscle, tone up the body and skin, removes the toxin.
Application of heat and there by inducing perspiration by using poultice of specific herbal leaves is kalkapottalisweda. This is helpful in liquefying the toxins and subcutaneous fat, relieving stiffness and alleviating joint pain.
The full body steam is given to the person below the neck region in sitting or lying position in specially designed chamber table is called as Bashpasweda.
A specialised technique in which herbal oils is poured in very slow and systematic manner on the entire body. Tail Dhara strengthens immunity, lubricates the joints, liquefies toxins, and increases flexibility.
means bandage, the procedure of applying warm herbal paste to the specified art of body followed by bandaging. This is type of swedana i.e applying heat to part of body.
The specific procedure of applying poultice made of herbal blend mixed with egg material to the face to ensure strengthening and toning of facial muscles, helps in facial palsy and also detan the skin to glorify the face.
A small circle of paste made from black gram or wheat flour is placed strategically on the specified part where necessary. Warmed oil is then poured into the depression created by the ring of paste. This soothes muscular tissue, alleviates pain and lubricates the joint and nerves. When applied on lower back called as Kati Basti, on Back as PrushthaBasti, on Neck as ManyaBasti, on Knee Joint as JanuBasti.
Sthanik Basti applied on lower back
Sthanik Basti applied on back
Sthanik Basti applied on on Neck
Sthanik Basti applied on on Knee Joint
Warmed, medicated oil is gently poured into a reservoir made from gram flour, placed strategiclly over the heart area. This soothes muscular tissue, alleviates discomfort and balances the mind-body connection. Helps in relieving blockages in cardiac arteries and ensures proper strength to heart muscles.
Inducing perspiration by applying the warm paste of rice and medicines onto body is called annalepana. This is ideal in healthy persons, in children and illness of vatadoshas.
It is a process which includes elimination of vitiated kapha and pitta (Endotoxins) which are present in the stomach, chest, lungs, nose, ears, throat, cells and tissues of the entire body through the mouth ie by upper gastro intestinal track. Vaman Karma is performed by administration of the drugs suitable for the particular disease and condition of the patients. Indication- Vaman karma is indicated in Asthma, Cough, Atrophic rhinitis, Sinusitis., Dysentery, Filaria, Indigestion, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Epilepsy ,Psoriasis, Urticaria, Vitiligo and in Healthy Person as a preventive measure.
It is a process by which elimination of vitiated pitta dosha and pitta connected kaphadosha and mala which are present in the intestine, rectum, liver, spleen, pancreas and cells and tissues of the entire body through anus i.e. by lower gastro intestinal track . It is a primary therapy for pitta disorders including bile and blood disorders. It purifies the main site for pitta i.e. stomach , small intestine, liver , spleen, gall bladder, large intestine, rectum .It clears excess kapha from the stomach & regulates vatadosha. Indication- Virecan karma is indicated in a chronic fever, Anaemia, Jaundice, Gout, Enlargement of a liver. Enlargement of Spleen, Ascitis, Nausea, Asthma and Cough, Headache, Urticaria, Skin diseases, Leprosy, Diabetics, Worm infestations, Paralysis and in Healthy Person as preventive measure.
The most used and helpful Panchakarma Shodhan procedure is Basti. The administration of the liquid medicine in form of oil, decoctions and medicines through the rectal route is referred by name Basti. Depending upon the material used and purpose, the type of basti changes. This is edge over shodhan procedure useful in maximum number of diseases. Type of basti -Niruha BAsti, Anuvasana Basti, Mansa rasa basti, Vaitarana basti, Lekhana basti,Tikta kshir basti, etc
The administration of medicated oils, ghee, juices, powders through nostril is called Nasya Karma. Nose is described as the gateway of brain. So it is very useful in the diseases of the upper part of neck as well as whole body. It stimulates complete nervous system, cranial nerves and also maintains the function of endocrinal glands. Types of Nasya karma – Shodhana nasya, Samana nasya, Bruhana Nasya. Indication – Nasya indicated in Rhintis, Atrophic Rhinitis, Nasal septam deviation, Nasal bleeding, Headache, Migraine, Frontal Sinusitis, Cervical spondylosis, Cerebral Atrophy, Paralysis, Monoplegia, Frozen shoulder, Hair fall, Aphagia, Epilepsy, Retinopathy, Insomnia, Deafness, Tonsilitis, ENT. diseases and in healthy person.
The Panchakarma procedure of shodan through the medium of bloodletting for therapeutic purpose is known as Raktamokshan
the surgical procedure of puncturing or sectioning the vein and letting the blood flow for the therapeutic purpose is Siravedha.
Jalauka means leech, accomplishing the raktamokshana by allowing the leech to suck the blood from the site of lesion is known as Jalaukavacharan.
Bloodletting done from specific site with the help of instrument which resembles shringa is called shringavacharana.
the raktamokshana is achieved with the help of glass pot or jar to create the negative pressure is known as Ghati yantravacharan.
The calm and peace brings up instant happiness in mind similarly this package brings instant calmness to the body and mind. This includes Samhanana along with Shiroabhyanga and Pada abhyanga.
Time: Abhyanga – 30 min | Shiroabyanga and Padabhyanga – 30 min
The body get invigorate by the Abhyanga – a body massage, followed by the Pindasweda and Udvartana a dry powder massage. This helps to improve the circulation, activates body tissue, relaxes the body and soothes the skin.
Time: Abhyanga – 20 min | Pindasweda – 30 min | Udwartana – 10 min
Prabodhan means enlightenment, to get rid of stress, pain, discomfort and enter the state of happiness, relaxation and energizes both body and mind. It starts with the abhyanga and Pindasweda followed by udwartana and kukkutand pottali sweda – a facial procedure Then soothing Shirodhara brings all the stress out of the body.
Time: Abhyanga – 20 min | Pindasweda – 30 min | Udwartana – 10 min | kukkutand pottali sweda – 10 min | Shirodhara – 30 min
Refreshment is achieved when our mind and senses get nourished and calm. This is done by Samhanan, mukhabhyanga followed by shirodhara and netratarpana.
Time: Samhanan – 20 min | Mukhabhyanga – 10 min | Shirodhara – 30 min | Netratarpan – 15 min
Getting rid of toxin and waste products out of body is detox. This is done in comprehensive manner by Abhyanga, Bashpasweda and udavartana. Then followed by mukhaabhyanga, karnapuran, Nasapuran, Gandush and Dhupana. The procedure ends with alepa the body wrap for the deep cleaning and shower for complete cleaning.
Time: Abhyanga – 20 min | Bashpasweda – 10 min | Udwartana – 10 min | Mukhabhyanga – 10 min | Alepa – 15 min
Shodhana means detoxification, is pursuit of Ayurveda, and suggested to each one to keep your body rid of toxins and waste products. This helps in balancing the doshas and keeps tissue healthy. This regulates metabolism and digestion of body. This rejuvenates the body and ensures quality longevity to the person.
The shodhana is done according to the doshas and prakriti of the body. The Basti procedure is helpful in nearly all seasons. Vaman and Virechana are done more on specific seasons for the healthy individual.
Duration: 7 days to 15 Days
Seasons brings lots of changes in human being as our body is in synchronization with nature. Shodhana, a detoxification method is pursuit of Ayurveda, is suggested according to the seasons for maintaining the health. These packages are designed according to the season and purification method.
Vamana – March April Duration – 9 days
Virechan – September October Duration – 9 days
Obesity is most rapidly growing disorder leading to the mild to serious diseases along with underwhelming personality. This disorder is not mere the case of dieting or overexerting workout, rather need comprehensive package to give right justice to the body. It needs to correct metabolism and digestion from the deep inside the body. The package includes detoxification procedures along with Udawartana – a dry powder massage and swedana of different types and diet – exercise schedule.
Recommended Sessions: 30 days
You will get what you sow. A innovative package designed for better progeny. Lifestyle changes, diet pattern and many environmental factors had large impact on the human body and thus on the seeds of both gender. Ayurveda especially Panchakarma helps to remove the toxins, rejuvenate the body and strengthens the tissue. It helps to prepare the female body for the future changes and vitalize the immunity of both ‘to be father and mother’.
It includes Major purification Procedure among Panchakarma in accordance with the prakruti or disorders. The complete package is of 7 days to 15 days
– Couple counselling
– Couple screening
– Detoxification
– Advice
India is said to be leading in lifestyle disorder in near future. The Ayurveda is always suggestive of proper lifestyle to ensure the quality of life. This programme consists of body purification by Panchakarma along with Abhyanga, swedana, padaabhyanga and shirodhara. This programme consists of lifestyle modelling, diet counselling and exercise advice.
Recommended Sessions: 7 days
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